STAMP project (Sustainable Technology Adaptation for Mali’s Pastoralists) led by SNV – Netherlands Development Organization, aims to improve resilience among climate affected pastoralists in the Gao and Menaka regions in Mali by facilitating their use of satellite data. The project initiated the development of GARBAL information service, now accessible from simple phones, to help pastoralists decide on the movements of their herds in search of water and pasture. The project experimental phase (2015-2018) funded by the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) has demonstrated a market entry point linking new technologies and pastoral communities in Gao and Menaka regions. With the experiences and lessons learned, this phase has shown the usefulness of the service, especially in view of the growing number of users. On this basis and taking into account the range of needs to be met to improve the conditions for livestock farming in pastoral areas, a second phase funded over 3 years by the Kingdom of the Netherlands will extend the service geographical coverage to Kidal, Timbuktu and Mopti regions. Furthermore, the information content will be widened to include advisory services, particularly on animal health, and an application will be developed to facilitate pastoralists’ financial access to inputs.